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_Personal coaching_
results in 75 minutes, without digging up the past

My background is in business and my focus has always been on sales and negotiations. I didn't aim at helping people with personal life. It came about naturally when clients asked about applying my method to personal relationships and we quickly saw that it worked in a wide variety of scenarios.

Turned out there was not much difference in the success formula: the same skills and tactics which help people make it through closing a complex deal, help them iron out the kinks in their personal life.

Moreover, it turned out that the same tools which are used to resolve conflicts with other people are extremely helpful in resolving internal conflicts, which cause lifelong struggles with insecurity, dependencies, fears, guilt, procrastination, building a healthy lifestyle, etc.

I am not a psychologist, and the beauty of it is that we don't need to bring up the uncomfortable details of your past. We focus on what's happening NOW and reshape it on the fly. Most of my clients get very noticeable, sometimes even life-changing results in just one session.

So you don't have to wait and guess if it's working or not — it will be obvious before we finish the first session.

That's my promise.

_What can we work through in personal sessions?_
We can do many things. Some good examples are:
  • Solve conflicts with other people
    Improve your relationships that matter. We can do that individually or through mediation.
  • Solve your internal conflicts
    It's when you want to do one thing, but keep doing something else instead. And beating yourself up doesn't help.
  • Enhance your emotional intelligence
    Improve your ability to understand and influence yourself and other people.
  • Improve your level of confidence
    Not the bullish self-assuredness. The genuine confidence of being comfortable in your own skin, even under pressure.
  • Prepare for an important conversation or negotiation
    When "winging it" is not a reliable strategy.
  • Find a way out of a "dead-end" situation
    There are always ways out, but they could be obscured by our patterns of thinking.
  • Make a difficult or high stakes decision
    When you have to get it right the first time.
  • Get out of burnout for good
    When you need to recharge and inspire yourself.
_How does the method work?_
I offer a hyper-individual approach. It means that my every action is based not only on the specific issue the client is dealing with, but on their state of mind and emotion in the moment, as well as the general context of our interaction. So there are no templates, and each session is unique.
We won't spend much time on intellectual dissections of your life and instead focus on how you are actually using your self-management skills in different areas. We will be doing various exercises and experiments, which will help us quickly identify what's getting in the way of the desired results and make the necessary corrections. A full session usually takes about 75 minutes.

_What is the basis for your method?_
I am not a psychologist, but in my work I have incorporated many tools from various negotiation and coaching systems, as well as cutting edge cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches for mental resilience and problem-solving taught by the best in the field, including Harvard.

This unique synthesis of business negotiation tactics and deep insight into the nature of emotional intelligence helped me personally in overcoming significant adversity in my work and personal life. And it helped many of my clients with solving seemingly impossible challenges. Not through clenching their teeth and manipulating others, but through transformation into more confident, more empathetic and integrated human beings with a naturally high level of influence.

See the Method page for more details.

Harvard course based on the latest Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques
_What is mediation and how does it work?_
If you are in a conflict with another person, we can make a three-way session, where I will help you discover the true reasons for your problems and how to solve them. I guide all parties through the process in a gentle way, which allows them to express their concerns and hear each other without the usual tension, but with understanding and compassion.
People are often struck by seeing how something which seemed like an insurmountable contradiction only an our ago is dissolving in front of them without much friction. In my experience in just one session people resovled conflicts which they had not even hoped to settle out of court. And we not only solve the problem at hand, we lay the foundation for a better relationship after.

_Take yourself to the next level_
  • Rid yourself of friction with others
    Easily connect and maintain relationships with others. Eliminate conflicts at work and in personal life
  • Enhance your emotional intelligence
    Pick up on even the most subtle cues in people's behavior, understand their emotions and what they want, even if they are not saying it
  • Become confident and emotionally resilient
    Aquire genuine confidence and build a strong mental foundation for yourself, on which you can securely rely in any situation
  • Know what to do
    Never get stuck in situations again. Have a system of figuring things out and taking action
  • Eliminate burnout
    Enjoy your work more, experience less stress and keep yourself motivated for years to come
  • Excel in sales and negotiations
    Use this skillset to know what your buyers want and get them engaged without ever resorting to pressure

_How can I help?_