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Facilitating transformation for IT teams going through reorganization and M&A

_Stress & burnout resilience
for tech teams_

Using Emotional Intelligence and the art of self-management to bring efficacy and joy to daily work. Help your team do more with less effort and less stress.

In the fast-evolving world tech industry, resilience isn’t just an asset—it’s a necessity. Teams navigating high-stakes environments like M&A integrations face intense pressure to align, perform, and innovate.

High Stakes as Daily Reality
In a field where split-second decisions can impact millions, tech teams need more than technical skills. They need the emotional agility to handle rapid change and the resilience to keep going under pressure.

Team Dynamics in Transition
During mergers and acquisitions, teams are brought together from different organizational cultures and workflows. Resilience training equips them to adapt, integrate, and build trust quickly, laying the foundation for effective collaboration.
Guarding Against Burnout
The demands of modern day tech projects are relentless.
22% of employees rate their level of burnout as high or very high, which can reduce their productivity by 20-50%. Burnout often creeps up undetected in the form of chronic stress and decreased motivation, which takes a toll on teams' performance and turnover rates. Emotional resilience can prevent burnout, improve retention, and create a healthier workplace culture.

Practical Resilience Training is designed to build the psychological strength IT professionals needed to thrive, even in the most challenging circumstances. We help leaders and teams develop burnout immunity, so they can pursue their goals with adaptability and confidence, no matter the complexities they face.

_Burnout comes from different sources_
Poor emotional resilience
Most people tend to beat themselves up over failures and have almost poor self-support skills
Cultural gaps in teams
Inter-cultural & generational differences may clash, cause misunderstanding or silo effects in teams
Poor cooperation skills
Some people overexert themselves, because they don't know how to engage available support
Faulty motivation
The drive to prove yourself and focus on the money is a very common path to burnout
Poor recovery habits
Our bodies need physical and emotional recovery from work, which many people tend to neglect
Toxic environment
Conflicts and competition at work can take a big toll on motivation and satisfaction
_What can we do about it?_
  • 1. Mindset management

    Personal power rides on two main things: one's ability to maintain emotional balance and ability to set sustainable intents. Basically it is about shifting internal gears to remain confident and inspired in any circumstances. These are not gifts of nature. These are skills I can help your team acquire.

  • 2. Better communications

    Most discouragement in any people-facing work comes from various forms of resistance and conflict. Few things can wear us out more than constant power-struggles on the way of getting things done. We can fix that by applying Emotional Intelligence to our interactions.

_What is Emotional Intelligence and why it matters?_
In basic terms, Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) is our ability to recognize our own emotions and those of other people. To "read the room" as they call it. It also concerns the ability to regulate our inner state and exert certain influence on others. These abilities allow you to maintain calm confidence and collaborate with others much easier. And NO — you don't have to be born with it. Emotional Intelligence is a set of skills which can be trained!
The problem is that there are practically no resources which help with that. Sure, you can read a book or take an online course, but books and courses teach you about EQ, and have little to no impact on building actual skills. The whole point is that EQ is operated by a different part of your brain than IQ. So logical knowledge alone won't get you anywhere. People need guided practice to make meaningful improvements.
_6 Emotional Intelligence skills your team can master_

Clever books may tell you otherwise. But your people don't need PhD research, right? Let's focus on what works in practice, not theory.

1. Self-support
ability to recognize and regulate our inner state and maintain unwavering confidence even when facing failure
2. Setting intent
ability to redirect ourselves from egoistic struggle for dominance towards helping others
3. Observation
ability to read people’s attitudes and intents between the lines, so we understand how to approach them
4. Interpretation
ability to make meaningful assumptions about what we are seeing and hearing, and not jump to negative conclusions
5. Choice of action
ability to generate appropriate and effective options of responding to a situation instead of reacting

6. Execution

ability to perform the action exactly as intended to achieve the desired impact
_Why work with us?_
Peter Antony: "I've been coaching business professionals on personal empowerment through EQ since 2015. In 2019 I became a mediator in commercial real estate and put together over $130 million worth of acquisitions with no prior experience in the industry. I worked in a very tough environment and it took every ounce of my training to overcome the challenges and perform under pressure. Now I can share the best practices with those who want to enjoy work as a satisfying part of their life, whatever the circumstances".
Our approach is simple and purely practical. Unlike many others, we do not focus on intellectual concepts, which end up just cluttering people's minds and make little impact on results. Our approach is based on working through clients' real situations, not canned "case studies" or silly games. And we are training relevant skills in the process to achieve an instant and permanent boost in performance. Our specialty format is group coaching, where the whole team is learning no matter whose case we take up for practice.
Accumulating stress
Work is OK, but everyday stress takes from the quality of life
Loving Fridays, hating Mondays
Work is dreary and takes more time and effort than they are willing to give
Questioning career choice
"Is this really what I want to do? Maybe this is not for me..."
Getting things done
Work effectively and creatively, with more involvement and loyalty
Mastering the roles
Their competence grows quickly, so they can coach and support others
More joy, better culture
They enjoy the impact they make and contribute to a positive environment
_What's in the bag?_

Experience a training 100% tailored to participants' personalities and their particular situations. No time wasted on generic babble or insulting their intelligence with obvious ideas.

Real case work
Everything we do is focused on practical application to reps' specific situations, so it's relevant and engaging
Real-time proof of concept
No need to believe us. Team applies the tools we provide and see immediate impact for themselves
Personal strategy
We design effective strategies to systematically prevent burnout for the individuals and the team
_How does the method work?_
During workshops we take one of the participant's real-life scenario and pick it apart based on the six skills explained above through certain exercises and role-plays. We help them identify the roots of their negative experiences and then we immediately find tailored solutions by applying various EQ tools and building up the relevant skills.

Shifting perspectives and performing alternative actions in the same exercise or role-play allows participants to practice new behaviors and immediately see the impact on how they feel and the results they get. This is the most efficient way to learn, because once they have this experience (not just the insight) — they can immediately apply it in real situations and get satisfying results.

_What is the basis for the method?_
We have incorporated many tools from various negotiation and coaching systems, as well as cutting edge cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches for mental resilience and problem-solving taught by the best in the field, including Harvard.

Peter Antony: "This unique synthesis of communication tactics and practical application of Emotional Intelligence helped me personally in overcoming adversities in my work and personal life. And it helped many of my clients with solving seemingly impossible challenges. Not through clenching their teeth and manipulating others, but through transformation into more inspired, confident, empathetic and integrated human beings with a naturally high level of influence".

Harvard course based on the latest Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques
_What improvements can you expect?_
In just a few sessions you and your team can achieve meaningful progress in these areas:
  • Lower absenteeism and boosted retention
    By lowering stress and beating burnout, they will enjoy their work more, exhibit higher flexibility and morale
  • Sustainable high performance
    Teams will be equipped with tools to sustain peak performance through transitions, tight deadlines, and complex projects
  • Higher productivity
    Teams will work more cohesively and will provide better support to one another, delivering higher productivity
  • Enhanced Decision-Making
    They will become more focused and will make sound decisions, even in stressful high-stakes situations
  • Living and acting with purpose
    Each team member develop a personal mission which makes their work more meaningful than just "doing a job"
  • Enhanced emotional intelligence
    They will learn to pick up on subtle cues in other people's behavior, understand their emotions and what they want
_When is it critical to tech teams success?_
  • Reorganization & Integration Challenges
    Preparing for seamless integration and building a strong, unified culture of motivated professionals
  • High-Pressure Project Environments
    Teams working on critical cross-functional tech projects with tight deadlines
  • Rapid Scaling
    Growing teams and managing shifting dynamics with resilience and adaptability
_What does it take to get started?_
  • Get in touch with us
    Fill out the form below and I will get in touch with you to learn more about your situation and the needs of your team.
  • Co-create a custom solution
    We will explore the options to find what fits your needs and budget, using a versatile toolbox to get the results you want.
  • Off we go!
    At the very first session we dive right into practice, picking apart your real cases and learning powerful resilience tools in the process. In team training the whole group is engaged and everybody is learning no matter whose case we work on.
_What are the options for team training?_
These workshops can be easily customized for specific businesses needs. Groups can be between 2 and 20 people. It’s OK to mix junior and senior roles.
  • Most relevant practice
    We can ask participants to come forward with the cases they want to use for training, or the Client may suggest certain scenarios to work through.
  • Involvement in group dynamics
    Client can decide who participates in the case work and in what order and also can provide feedback to the participants.
  • Team-building effect
    The way these sessions are conducted creates a strong unity effect for the participants. If they work in the same company and interact with one another, it generates additional benefits for the Client company.
  • Feedback on team members
    Even though we do not provide written reports on the participants, Client can discuss their progress with us and get helpful insights.
  • Transparency
    Client company representatives can participate as observers or can have access to the recordings (if agreed on that option) to stay current on the case work and participants’ progress.
  • Confidentiality
    It is usually not necessary to dive into the technical details of a particular case, because we focus more on the psychological aspects. However, whatever is discussed is treated as confidential information by default.
_What kind of personal growth can it bring?_

It is quite natural for people to be driven by greed and desire to prove their worth. While it can serve as fuel for achievement, it produces a lot of toxic emissions in the form of stress and conflicts with others.

It basically means we are relying on our survival instincts to get results. This has proven time and again to be unsatisfying and unsustainable.

People driven by the desire to contribute and an articulated purpose tend to have a stronger and longer-lasting motivation to do the work. Instead of competing and clashing with people around them they collaborate. And and instead of burning out — they grow.


One of the main things which takes the wind out of our sails is self-criticism. Many of us have been taught that "tough love" is the way to maintain good performance. That the harder we beat on ourselves — the stronger and better we get.

However in reality it's not how it works. It erodes our self-image, our energy and our empathy. It builds up anger which we tend to unleash on others. Most people don't realize just how much it contributes to their stress and burnout.

When equipped with tools of self-support people find they become much more capable and resilient. They are amazed at the power of becoming your own best friend.


Most people understand emotional control as the ability to subdue what they feel. This is not only inefficient, it leads to mental and physical disorders.

Instead we learn how to redirect emotions, so you can choose what to feel based on what is appropriate and helpful for the particular situation.

So it is not about shutting down an emotion which popped up, or imitating something else. Instead we go a level deeper and learn the tools of regulating emotions, tuning their intensity and easily switching between them at will. That gives people a whole new level of cognitive flexibility, emotional resilience and influence.

_Let's connect_