_What is my coaching method?_

Everything we do is subject to how we manage ourselves: our mindset, emotions, attention and actions. The better we handle these things — the more often life happens the way we want. For the past 15 years I have been learning and practicing a variety of methods to grow the key self-management skills for life and work, and taught them to other people.

My approach is purely practical. Unlike many others, I do not focus on intellectual concepts, which end up just cluttering people's minds and make little impact on results. I also do not rely on canned "case studies" or games. My approach is based on working through clients' real situations and developing relevant skills in the moment, which boosts their performance instantly and permanently.

I have incorporated the tools developed by such negotiation masters as Jim Camp, former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss, and the cutting edge cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches for mental resilience and problem-solving taught by the best in the field, including Harvard.

This unique synthesis of battle-tested negotiation tactics and deep insight into the nature of emotional intelligence helped me personally in closing over $130,000,000 worth of deals, and helped many of my clients with solving seemingly impossible challenges. Not through manipulations, but through transformation into more confident, more empathetic and integrated human beings with a naturally high level of influence. And I know how to make this process quick, smooth, and deeply engaging.

Harvard course based on the latest Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques
_So what is "under the hood"?_
When we experience friction somewhere in communications with others, whether that’s resistance from clients, conflicts at work, or personal relationship issues, the difficulties are usually found in one of the following areas: our MINDSET, our PERCEPTION or our ACTIONS.

During workshops we take one of the participant's real-life scenarios and pick it apart based on the six skills explained below through certain exercises and role-plays. I help them identify the area where the root of a particular problem is and then solve it by applying various tools and building up the relevant skill.


Most people are surprised when they discover they don’t truly give their Mindset much consideration, let along craft it purposefully to deal with the situation in the most efficient manner. We take for granted that our mindset is adequate for what we are trying to do and look elsewhere, but all too often it is the very root of the drag we are experiencing.

Making your Mindset work for you includes two skills (click for details):

A. Self-balancing read more

B. Setting intent read more

Don't be quick to think:
"Sure, I know it".
It's not about knowing.
It's about doing.
These things may seem obvious on a philosophical level, but it’s not a matter of promoting beautiful ideas, it’s a matter of consistent application of these skills in real-life situations. Most people can “talk the talk”, but fail quite miserably when put to the test, succumbing to instinctual reactions. And they are shocked when they discover what a difference it makes in the outcomes when they harness these skills. It gives us a chance to go beyond the limits of our character and become highly adaptive.

The additional benefit of practicing setting our Mindset consciously is that it allows us to become happier human beings and get much more joy out of life compared to how it happens on “auto-pilot”.


If I don’t truly understand what is happening with the person in front of me and what they want — I am bound to act blindly and keep missing the target. I will be going in circles and likely make things worse.

Learning how to “read between the lines” and understand things the other person is not saying directly or may not even be realizing themselves, gives us a tremendous power of having the situational awareness, making smart choices and driving the conversation.

Developing a keen Perception includes two skills:

A. Observation read more

B. Interpretation read more

This skill will put you two heads above most people in situational awareness capabiliy.
Training Perception is the hardest and at the same time – probably the most rewarding element of the system. It may put a strain on your brain at first, but once you get a handle on it — it will put you in a whole new category of “emotionally intelligent”.

When you get good – people may even get a bit uncomfortable with how easily you read them, so you’ll have to be gentle and responsible with it. For others it will look like somewhat of a superpower, but there’s no magic, no special gift of nature. Just a methodology that works.


So I’ve set my Mindset where I want it and my Perception of the situation seems probable. That’s an excellent position for taking action. But if I don’t take enough care, my action may be a waste of energy or even a step back.

So how do we decide what to do exactly? Which action will bring us to the desired result in the shortest time possible? There is a systematic approach to that step as well.

Taking Effective Action consists of two skills:

A. Choice of action read more

B. Accurate execution read more

Effective action is the “tip of the spear” in the system.
Our Mindset and Perception make the groundwork, but it’s Effective actions which create movement towards the results we want. When you reach proficiency with doing it, you gain that quality of a “light touch”, where things seem to just happen effortlessly and with little resistance.

So most of the time others won’t even notice the scope of your influence upon the situation. And that’s a good thing, because then you won’t intimidate them. Rather they feel THEY are in control and things just fall into place naturally, while you are being helpful and easy to deal with. If you are not out there to impress people, but to get results – that’s a great place to be.
_Take yourself to the next level_
Learning these skills will allow you to:
  • Rid yourself of friction with others
    Easily connect and maintain relationships with others. Eliminate conflicts at work and in personal life
  • Enhance your emotional intelligence
    Pick up on even the most subtle cues in people's behavior, understand their emotions and what they want, even if they are not saying it
  • Become confident and emotionally resilient
    Aquire genuine confidence and build a strong mental foundation for yourself, on which you can securely rely in any situation
  • Know what to do
    Never get stuck in situations again. Have a system of figuring things out and taking action
  • Eliminate burnout
    Enjoy your work more, experience less stress and keep yourself motivated for years to come
  • Excel in sales and negotiations
    Use this skillset to know what your buyers want and get them engaged without ever resorting to pressure
_What are the options for team training?_
My workshops can be easily customized for specific businesses needs. Groups can be between 2 and 15 people. It’s OK to mix junior and senior roles.
  • Most relevant practice
    We can ask participants to come forward with the cases they want to use for training, or the company may suggest certain scenarios to work through.
  • Involvement in group dynamics
    Client can decide who participates in the case work and in what order and also can provide feedback to the participants.
  • Team-building effect
    The way these sessions are conducted creates a strong unity effect for the participants. If they work in the same company and interact with one another, it generates additional benefits for the Client company.
  • Feedback on team members
    Even though I do not provide written reports on the participants, Client can discuss their progress with me and get helpful insights.
  • Transparency
    Client company representatives can participate as observers or can have access to the recordings (if agreed on that option) to stay current on the case work and participants’ progress.
  • Confidentiality
    It is usually not necessary to dive into the technical details of a particular case, because we focus more on the interpersonal aspect. However, whatever is discussed is treated as confidential information by default.

_Is it really all that? You won't know until you try_

And until August 30, 2024, you can get a team session for free!