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Conflicts don't have to become roadblocks. They can be a pathway froward

_Conflict resolution_

Using Emotional Intelligence and the art of self-management to turn hard conversations into opportunities to deepen trust and build up the relationships with other people

Most people are afraid of conflicts. There are good reasons for it: first of all, it is naturally stressful to experience confrontation, because our bodies react to it. Second, we all have had bad experiences where confrontations result in damaged relationships and associated consequences. We are social creatures and losing relationship capital is costly in both personal and business context, so all too often we opt for unwanted compromise.
People who are not afraid of conflict usually gain enormous advantage, because they get what they want without compromising.

The problem is that such people are usually not careful about preserving the relationships, sacrificing them for the needs of the moment. And they also subject themselves to excessive stress by constantly battling with the world around them.

What if you don't have to chose between fighting and yielding? What if you could lead the way out of conflict with both confidence and empathy? Without fear or unwanted compromises. Emotional Intelligence skills give us the power to do that and more.

_I can help those who think:_
"I hate confrontation; it always makes things worse."
"I don't know how to bring up sensitive topics without upsetting the other person."
"I feel like I freeze when conflict arises—I just can't think clearly in the moment."
"No matter what I say, it seems like they're not really listening."
"I avoid conflict at all costs because I don't want to damage relationships."
"I'm worried I'll say something I'll regret later."
"Every time I try to resolve it, we just end up going in circles."
"I feel overwhelmed by emotions and can't stay calm."
"They always twist my words, so it's impossible to resolve anything."
"It feels like I'm the only one compromising! It's exhausting and doesn't work."
_What is Emotional Intelligence and why it matters?_
In basic terms, Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) is our ability to recognize our own emotions and those of other people. To "read the room" as they call it. It also concerns the ability to regulate our inner state and exert certain influence on others. These abilities allow you to maintain calm confidence and collaborate with others much easier. And NO — you don't have to be born with it. Emotional Intelligence is a set of skills which can be trained!
The problem is that there are practically no resources which help with that. Sure, you can read a book or take an online course, but books and courses teach you about EQ, and have little to no impact on building actual skills. The whole point is that EQ is operated by a different part of your brain than IQ. So logical knowledge alone won't get you anywhere. People need guided practice to make meaningful improvements.
_6 Emotional Intelligence skills you can master_

Clever books may tell you otherwise. But you are not here for a psych PhD, right? Let's focus on what works in practice, not theory.

1. Self-balancing
ability to recognize and regulate our inner state and maintain unwavering confidence even when facing conflict
2. Setting intent
ability to redirect ourselves from egoistic struggle for dominance towards helping others
3. Observation
ability to read people’s attitudes and intents between the lines, so we understand how to approach them
4. Interpretation
ability to make meaningful assumptions about what we are seeing and hearing, and not jump to conclusions
5. Choice of action
ability to generate appropriate and effective options of responding to a situation instead of reacting

6. Accurate execution

ability to perform the action exactly as intended to achieve the desired impact
_Why work with me?_
My name is Peter Antony. I've been coaching business professionals on personal empowerment through EQ since 2015. In 2019 I started as a deal-maker in commercial real estate and put together over $130 million worth of deals with no prior experience in the industry. I worked in a very tough environment and it took every ounce of my training to overcome the challenges and perform under pressure. Now I can share the best practices with those who want to enjoy work as a satisfying part of their life, whatever the circumstances.
My approach is simple and purely practical. Unlike many others, I do not focus on intellectual concepts, which end up just cluttering people's minds and make little impact on results. My approach is based on working through clients' real situations, not canned "case studies" or silly games. And we are training relevant skills in the process to achieve an instant and permanent boost in performance. My specialty format is group coaching, where the whole team is learning no matter whose case we take up for practice.
_What's in the bag?_

Experience a training 100% tailored to participants' personalities and their particular situations. No time wasted on generic babble or insulting their intelligence with obvious ideas.

And the first session is free!

Real case work
We focus on practical application to participants' specific situations, so it's relevant and engaging
Real-time proof of concept
No need to believe me. Team applies the tools I provide and see immediate impact for themselves
Personal strategy
We design effective strategies to systematically solve and prevent conflicts
_How does the method work?_
During workshops we take one of the participant's real-life scenario and pick it apart based on the six skills explained above through certain exercises and role-plays. I help them identify the roots of their typical conflicts and then we immediately find tailored solutions by applying various EQ tools and building up the relevant skills.
(Here is a dedicated Method page for the deep-divers).

Shifting perspectives and performing alternative actions in the same exercise or role-play allows participants to practice new behaviors and immediately see the impact on how they feel and the results they get. This is the most efficient way to learn, because once they have this experience (not just the insight) — they can immediately apply it in real situations and get satisfying results.

_What is the basis for the method?_
I am not a psychologist, but in my work I have incorporated many tools from various negotiation and coaching systems, as well as cutting edge cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches for mental resilience and problem-solving taught by the best in the field, including Harvard.

This unique synthesis of communication tactics and practical application of emotional intelligence helped me personally in overcoming adversities in my work and personal life. And it helped many of my clients with solving seemingly impossible challenges. Not through clenching their teeth and manipulating others, but through transformation into more inspired, confident, empathetic and integrated human beings with a naturally high level of influence.

See the Method page for more details.

Harvard course based on the latest Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques
_What improvements can you expect?_
In just a few sessions you and your team can achieve meaningful progress in these areas:
  • Reduce stress & burnout
    Enjoy your work more, experience less stress from confrontations within the team, clients and partners
  • Become confident and emotionally resilient
    Acquire genuine confidence and build a strong mental foundation, on which you can securely rely in any situation
  • Compromise less
    Learn how to be firm in what you want and still be heard and respected by your opponents
  • Excel in negotiations
    Develop superior persuasion skills, so you don't have to resort to pressure
  • Enhance your emotional intelligence
    Pick up on subtle cues in people's behavior, understand their emotions and what they want
  • Become a team-builder
    Create a collaborative and productive environment with your team members and peers. Prevent friction and get support
_What does it take to get started?_
  • Get in touch with me
    Fill out the form below and I will get in touch with you within 24 hours to set up a free session.
  • Schedule your first free Zoom session
    The training is done over Zoom. Individual sessions are 60-75 minutes, group sessions are 90-120 minutes. Group sessions may include up to 20 people.
  • Off we go!
    We get together on Zoom and dive right into practice, picking apart your real cases and learning powerful burnout resilience tools in the process. In team training the whole group is engaged and everybody is learning no matter whose case we work on.
  • Keep going for the win!
    If you see the value in our first session, we can set up a program tailored to your personal or your team's needs and goals.
_What are the options for team training?_
These workshops can be easily customized for specific businesses needs. Groups can be between 2 and 20 people. It’s OK to mix junior and senior roles.
  • Most relevant practice
    We can ask participants to come forward with the cases they want to use for training, or the Client may suggest certain scenarios to work through.
  • Involvement in group dynamics
    Client can decide who participates in the case work and in what order and also can provide feedback to the participants.
  • Team-building effect
    The way these sessions are conducted creates a strong unity effect for the participants. If they work in the same company and interact with one another, it generates additional benefits for the Client company.
  • Feedback on team members
    Even though I do not provide written reports on the participants, Client can discuss their progress with me and get helpful insights.
  • Transparency
    Client company representatives can participate as observers or can have access to the recordings (if agreed on that option) to stay current on the case work and participants’ progress.
  • Confidentiality
    It is usually not necessary to dive into the technical details of a particular case, because we focus more on the psychological aspects. However, whatever is discussed is treated as confidential information by default.

_Is it really all that? You won't know until you try_

Get your first session free!