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When your candidates embrace their value, employers see it too

_Stress-free interviews_

Use Emotional Intelligence coaching to help candidates remain more confident and focused during interviews, so they make better impressions and negotiate better employment terms

It’s easy to blame our interview fails on the employer’s process and their "buyer advantage". The challenge is to see how we sabotage our own efforts by undervaluing ourselves and choosing an ineffective approach to dealing with potential employers.

This training is designed for recruiters' clients, to help them perform at their best during interviews by boosting confidence and leveraging the power of Emotional Intelligence.
We will quickly identify their typical mistakes, unhelpful habits and limiting beliefs and make immediate and lasting improvements. We will turn the tables on employers, where they will feel compelled to convince your candidates to join them, not the other way around.

I am there to provide the necessary tools and support to overcome the challenges and succeed. We won't talk about. We will do it through practical exercises based on their real-life scenarios. Let them experience learning-by-doing in it's purest form.

_Who will benefit from this training?_
  • “I just hate when they ask me something like: “Why should we hire you?” No matter what I say they never seem impressed and, more often than not, have something to object. How do I get out of such traps?”
    The frustrated types
  • “When I feel pressure I get so nervous, I kind of freeze inside and end up misrepresenting myself. Is there something I can do to feel more confident?”
    The insecure types
  • “What makes me weary about interviews is that I am put in a position to get somebody to like me. It’s not that I am not likable, it just that having to “dance” for someone to think I am good enough is demeaning to me. Is there a way to gain interest in my candidature without all that effort to charm somebody?”
    The introverts
  • “I have trained myself to give an excellent presentation about who I am, what I’ve done and what I can do. The thing that gets me is that after such presentations I get few callbacks. It’s usually something like: “Thank you, it was wonderful, we’ll keep in touch” and then – the “crickets”… Why does it keep happening?”
    The salesman types
  • “I get along with people pretty well and for me receiving an offer is not the biggest problem. The problem is that I have a very hard time negotiating the content of that offer. I end up getting less money and perks than I wanted and it just feels awkward to argue about it. I don’t want to come across as arrogant, greedy or just focused on my benefits rather than my contribution to the team. How can I take care of myself without appearing selfish and jeopardizing my relationship with a potential employer?”
    The modest types
  • “At the interview, the talk seems to always revolve around whether I am good enough for the company. Much less attention is paid to whether the company is a good fit for me. It’s kind of assumed just because I applied. But the truth is I need to know more than what’s written on their website. To me, the environment I am working in is essential. So how do I talk about it to the potential employer without looking arrogant and offending them?”
    The dream chasers
_What improvements can you expect?_
In just one session your candidate can achieve meaningful progress in these areas:
  • Nail interviews more often
  • Suffer less from stress and interview fatigue
  • Enhance their emotional intelligence
  • Excel in salary & benefits negotiations
  • Develop a higher immunity to pressure
  • Match better for longer tenure
_What does it take to get started?_
  • Get in touch with me
    Fill out the form below and I will get in touch with you within 24 hours to set up a free session.
  • Schedule your first free Zoom session
    The training is done over Zoom. Individual sessions are 60-75 minutes, group sessions are 90-120 minutes. Group sessions may include up to 15 people.
  • Off we go!
    We get together on Zoom and dive right into practice, picking apart their real cases and learning powerful skills in the process. In team training the whole group is engaged and everybody is learning no matter whose case we work on.
  • Keep going for the win!
    If you see the value in our first session, we can set up a program tailored to your clients' needs and goals.

_Does it really work? You won't know until you try_

Get your first session for free!